

Ψ Υ Χ Η Σ Ι Α Τ Ρ Ε Ι Ο Ν Psyches Iatreion = Healing place of the soul.
Inscription above the door to Ramses II library in Egypt 1224 b.c.


Pharmacy of the Brain

Before doctors and pharmacies were invented, nature has invented its own medicine. Therefore the brain has its own pharmacy which makes endorphin and other good drugs.

Endorphin resembles morphine but it is 20 times stronger and can do much more. It has no side effects and the positive effects increase with regular use.

Physical and emotional pain is situated in the same areas in the brain. Therefore Endorphin relieve both physical and emotional pain & discomfort, stress and worries, anxiety and anger, sleep disturbances, weight problems and substance dependency.

Listen to this Audio every evening in two weeks when you go to sleep - and whenever you need it - and anytime you feel like it. You do not have to listen carefully - your brain and your body will automatically work with the ideas about how to kick-start the Pharmacy of the Brain.

The Pharmacy of the Brain works because the brain and the body naturally translate our thoughts into its own chemical language in the cells.

This is for teenagers and for adults.
In the Theme for Children there is a Pain-Audio designed for children.

In the theme Real life stories you can reaad stories about people who have used the Pharmacy of the Brain.