Note: In early research projects Thoughtful has formerly been called: The Thoughts in Mind Project and the Resilience Program. In Danish: Robustheds-programmet. In Greenlandic: Thinkinuk.
Thoughtful has been subject to a number of research studies. This is a resume.
High risk conflicts & staff sick leave
Thoughtful has helped to reduce high risk conflicts with 90 % and reduce staff sick leave with 50 % in a socially deprived district (3 year follow up). Read.
Substance abuse treatment
Thoughtful has been a useful supplement to substance abuse treatment among psychiatric and violent addicts in prisons. For instance a murderer who had been imprisoned for 28 years completely got rid of his substance craving. Read.
Improved learning
Thougtful can improve learning among foster care children. Read.
Improved thinking
A reseach project in Milan Italiy has indicated thatThoughtful can improve positive and empathic thougth patterns among school children - to an extent never shown before. Read.
Greenland 2018-20
In 2018-20, the Greenlandic version of Thoughtful: Thinkinuk - was tested in collaboration with the Greenlandic Government and the Municipalities - as part of the national strategy in relation to suicide prevention. The book Thinkinuk in Greenland describes activities, experiences and conclusions from the test period. Link to the book below.
University Hospital North Norway
In 2022-23, a large scale randomized trial on the University Hospital North Norway has investigated Thoughtful in psychiatry.
Research article has been submitted for publication.
Scientific references behind Thoughtful
Thoughts behind Thoughtful - theory & research is a thorough review of the theory and research behind the program with nearly 200 scientific references. Link to the book below.
Ongoing research
More research projects about the Thoughtful program is under way in several countries. An ongoing large scale randomized trial investigates Thoughtful for pregnant women - to protect the featus/child during pregancy, birth and early childhood.