


Suicidal thoughts

Vital knowledge about life-threatening thoughts. 

For you who has suicidal thoughts
or know someone who has suicidal thoughts. 

10 selected Audios for you

We have selected 10 Audios that people with suicidal thoughts use to get better again.

Listen several times so you can take care of yourself.

Read more below.

Explore Thoughtful



Some days thoughts can be so dark that one has no energy for anything. This is a good time for an Audio because you do not have to listen attentively.

Just let the Audio play in the back of your mind - then your brain plays all by itself with the ideas and chooses what is best for you right now.

When you feel that you have energy for a little more, explore Thoughtful:



Explore the Basic Theme. Here are Audios that beautifully and simply tell about Thoughts & Thought-Medicine, the Thinking-Brain & Alarm-Brain, The Feeling of being Alone, Conversations, and how Thoughts turn into biochemistry inside the cells of the Brain & Body repair workshop.



Many people with suicidal thoughts use Thoughtful Stories to find hope and meaning - and knowledge & inspiration for good, practical and loving thoughts that belong in life and everyday life.


Real life stories

Here you can read about people who have used Thoughtful to cope with sucidal thoughts and get better.

 Vital knowledge about life-threatening thoughts


Dont accept suicidal thoughts

Don’t accept suicidal thoughts. Suicidal thoughts have nothing to do with you. These are thoughts that come from outside.

Suicidal thoughts come from a feeling of being completely alone and without hope. There is always a reason why suicidal thoughts arise, and there is always something that can be done - so that life can be lived.


Suicidal thoughts can be contagious

Everywhere in the world there are people who are having a hard time - for exactly the same reasons that you have in your life when you are having a hard time. But it is only when suicide exists as an option in the society that some people may choose to commit suicide. When suicide exists in a society, then suicidal thoughts can be contagious - just like a contagious disease. It's not anyone's fault and it's not something to be ashamed of.

When the idea of suicide does not exist in a society as an option, then people do all sorts of other things when they are having a hard time. Of course, it can be something that can be helpful or not helpful. But they do not kill themselves. So suicidal thoughts have nothing to do with you - they are life-threatening thoughts that come from outside.

If a person becomes infected with a dangerous pneumonia, then you get treatment and get well again. It's the same with suicidal thoughts. If you get infected with dangerous thoughts, then you need help so you get well again.

Suicidal thoughts can be contagious:

  • When you know someone who has suicidal thoughts, has made a suicide attempt, or has committed suicide.

  • When you hear in the media about a famous person who has committed suicide or made a suicide attempt.

  • When you only talk about how sad and horrible everything is - and forget to talk about what we already do and what we can do to live life. Our Alarm-Brain needs to hear that we are doing something - in our thoughts, words and actions. Otherwise, our Alarm-Brain may become dull so that it cannot protect us from dangerous thoughts.


You are precious

We humans are different and that is amazing. If we were all alike, then the world would be a very boring and very strange place. What makes you different from all other people, is exactly what makes you unique and precious.

We also each have different sensitivities. Our brains are different and we have experienced different things in our lives, all the way back from when we were born. Insecurity and violent events in our childhood are of great importance to whether we later in life can have dark thoughts that are so violent that it can become dangerous for us and eventually lead to suicidal thoughts.


Free your brain from suicidal thoughts

Our thoughts create traces in the Brain. When you have suicidal thoughts, the Alarm-Brain is dulled so that death does not feel deterrent in the same way as usual. This means that the Alarm-Brain can no longer take proper care of you, and warn you if your thoughts become dangerous to you.

When you start playing with your thoughts in the way that we tell in the Audios that we have selected for you, then you create new strong tracks in your brain. You create opportunities for action that can free your brain from suicidal thoughts.



There are people who can help you - even if a thought may tell you that it is difficult to ask for help.

If you have a person in your life that you are comfortable with, ask for help.

Call the Medical Guard, the Hospital, a Hotline or the Police and get help.

Seek people who are open-minded and caring - people you are comfortable with and with whom you can do good things - people who can help you think ordinary everyday thoughts.



Why are suicide attempts often linked to alcohol?

Alcohol dulls the Thinking-Brain, so it becomes difficult to think carefully about things, and thus it becomes difficult to take care of oneself.

The Alarm-Brain can also become extra dull, so it does not warn you if your thoughts become dangerous to you.

When both the Thinking-Brain and the Alarm-Brain become dulled by alcohol, how can you take care of yourself:

Here's how to take care of yourself - and your loved ones can take care of you:

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol
    If you drink alcohol - and you get sad and upset:

  2. You must not be alone!

  3. Do not go home alone from a party!

  4. Do not sleep alone until you are sober and well again!

Talk about this with your friends, family, or other important people in your life. This knowledge can help save lives - you can help save lives.


Fresh air, light & exercise

Get plenty of fresh air, light and physical exercise. It will activate The Pharmacy of the Brain, which makes good mood substances for you. It also helps you sleep well - and this is important when you need to protect yourself from dangerous thoughts.

Science - What works?

Here we have collected research knowledge about what helps if you have suicidal thoughts.
This is knowledge that we use in Thoughtful - in everyday language & imagery:


Thought training

Thought training is also called - in a fine word - Mentalization training. Mentalizing is: Thinking thoughts about one's own thoughts and feelings and other people's thoughts and feelings.
We have been working on Mentalizing for 15 years and now we call it Thoughtful.

People with the very serious psychiatric Borderline Personality Disorder - who have particularly sensitive Alarm-Brains - have used Thought Training to get better. Research after 8 years has shown: They have 10x less suicide attempts, 30x less hospital admissions, 100x less medication and 3x more in education & jobs. This means that they can live a completely ordinary life.

Thoughtful is the first program in the world in everyday language and imagery about Thought Training / Mentalizing, which is for all people - children, young people and adults. For everyday life and for the most difficult times in life.



Research has shown that self-help - doing something about the situation yourself - that helps a lot with suicidal thoughts. This is also knowledge for relatives and professionals about how to help another human being to help themselves.

Inspiration: Listen to the Audios in the Basic theme.


Help from others

Talks with a person you are comfortable with and who have knowledge of what people with suicidal thoughts need.

Inspiration: Listen to the Audo Conversations in the Basic theme - among other things with knowledge about how you can protect yourself againts adverse effects from conversations and mindfulness.


Follow up

After a suicide attempt, it is crucial to have contact with other people. Research has shown that even a very small contact - a phone call, a letter or a postcard, can reduce the risk of a new suicide attempt by 40%.

Inspiration: Listen to the Audio on the Feeling of Being Alone in the Basic theme.



Poor sleep affects how we regulate our mood. Poor sleep affects how alert our Alarm-Brain is to dangerous events and dangerous thoughts. Therefore, poor sleep increases the risk of suicidal thoughts. 78% of suicidal people have sleep disorders and nightmares.

Inspiration: Listen to the Audio Sleep well in the Theme Mind.


Whole Community

In societies with frequent sucides it is important that everybody gets this knowledge about suicidal thoughts, so that everybody can help to prevent contagious suicidal thoughts.