Activate the Brain with
Thoughtful Audios
You can listen when you are full of energy and when you are tired and exhausted. You can listen with others, and you can listen discreetly, all to yourself.
Thoughts are the most powerful tools in the world. Thoughts can boost repair in the body and the mind because the brain & body translate our thoughts into the biochemical language in the cells.
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Here you will find small tips for Thoughtful use:
Acute and regular use
Thoughtful Audios are designed for acute use - just like a pain-killer - and for regular use - just like vitamins. When used regularly the brain reveal more and more details and anchor the information in the cells so the positive effects increase.
Thoughtful Audios are knowledge-vitamins with huge advantages: They have no side effects and the positive effects increase with regular use.
A core of knowledge
The Thoughtful Audios are designed from a core of knowledge & science about thoughts, the brain and the body. This knowledge we have transformed into daily language and stories. The knowledge branches out in multiple directions, which makes it useful for people of all ages and in various life situations.
First time listener
When you are a first time listener we recommend that you start with the Basic theme and afterwards select which Audios suits you best on a given day..
Time for a Thoughtful vitamin
Thoughtful Knowledge-Vitamins-Audios can be taken at any time of the day - in a break or simultaneous with an activity. A particular good time is just before your night sleep. Then the brain & the body will play with the inspiration while you sleep and anchor it in the cells.
If you are exhausted, tired & worn out - feel that everything is hopeless - you can have benefit from an acute Thoughtful Audio.
All Audios are designed so that you don’t have to listen attentively. Just let your brain by itself play with the knowledge and the stories in the back of your miind and create the best thoughts for protection & repair in your body and mind.
Short & Clear
The Audios are short & clear so the brain is not overloaded but has time and space to create your personal understanding and anchor it in the cells.
An Audio is like a piece of music, a poem or a film you really like - when you listen, read or watch the piece again you will discover new details and get a deeper personal understanding. This is also the case with the Thoughtful Audios. When you listen to the Audios again, your brain discovers new details and makes new strong thought tracks.
Thoughtful Audios are tailored to specific issues. At the same time we recommend that you go and explore all themes. That may give you unexpected insights and ideas that are nice and useful for you and your loved ones.
Thoughtful has constantly news themes and Audios on the way - as we get new ideas through new knowledge and experiences. News is announced here on the website and on Facebook.